North Country Invasives Services
Professional Knotweed Treatment for Private Property Owners in the North Country
Got Invasives? We can help!
Why Hire NCIS?
NCIS is currently the only private operator (who I am aware of) in northern New Hampshire who is both a licensed herbicide applicator in the State of New Hampshire and who focuses totally on invasive plant control.
I am very flexible and am willing to work with you to plan and execute the most efficient and cost-effective treatment of your invasive plant species infestation.
I am fully insured and licensed to apply herbicides in the State of New Hampshire for Right-of-Way and Commercial Weed and Brush Control.
1. Site Visit: $100. At that visit, I will assess the invasive plant species issue and suggest remediation possibilities. I will document that data and include it in my plan.
2. Hourly Rate: $55 per hour for my time implementing the plan on your site and for follow-up visits as needed. I will also charge for equipment and material costs. If you want to do some of the work, to keep the costs down, I will be happy to work with you and coach you. I can do some or all of the work. You can establish an absolute upper limit of cost if that is what you want to do.
3. Checks and cash only, please. Fees are due in payments as agreed, at the beginning, mid-point and end of each project.
I work on a time and materials basis. I do not put together a fixed-price bid. To develop a bid, I would cover all of the possible contingencies of the project; that raises the bid price. It is unfair to both of us.
I believe that my rates are fair for the service I provide.
Yes, this is a business and not a charity or a hobby. However, I am committed to providing a solution for you at a reasonable cost.
Making a Plan for Your Property
1. Site Visit to identify or confirm the invasive species that may be there. I will document its location with map coordinates and estimate the area we have to deal with. We will talk about what your objectives are. I will get a “before” picture, a baseline image.
2. Draft Suggestions/Plan
a. actual plant,
b. life cycle of the plant,
c. soil type,
d. slope of the site,
e. proximity to open water,
f. distance from any wells or water sources,
g. presence of non-target plants,
h. distance to other owners' land, and
i. what you want this treatment to accomplish.
3. Options will vary depending on the plant(s) in question and .your objectives . Strategies for controlling your invasive species may be
cultural (manipulating the growing environment),
biological (introducing another plant or animal that will consume your invasive species),
mechanical (physically removing the plant via cutting, pulling, or other methods), and/or
chemical (applying herbicides). We may employ more than one control method.
4. Plan Execution
If you want to do part of the work, I am happy to work with you.
If you want to do it all, I am OK with that.
If you want me to do it all, I am OK with that too.
PLEASE NOTE: Most invasive species treatment plans do not provide 100% control after the first efforts, so follow-up visits may be needed so we can assess the remediation status.